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I really liked this writing. In some ways you are right about a college degree - in other ways maybe wrong. I'm very glad the money was spent and that you can boast about having graduated from the Terry School of Business at UGA. That in itself is a huge accomplishment.

Don't feel like the Lone Ranger either, most of us feel as though the first two years were useless - and they probably mostly were. However, when the junior year rolled around most all of us were much wiser and more mature (those who didn't quit). And the business school made so much more sense and my grades soared! I wouldn't be where I am today if I hadn't really enjoyed business law, business management courses - and of course marketing!

And back to the first couple of years...I think that you must have picked up a little something from your English classes, as you are an excellent writer (you didn't get that at Monroe).

All in all you are absolutely correct about what you did after college. You realized that you couldn't use alcohol (that was an excellent/mature decision) and you dove headfirst into the real world of real estate and business. I too didn't come out of college knowing all about business. It took me 7 years of working, honing my sales and management skills, etc. before going into business for myself. You are correct in knowing it was the real world that was the best teacher. And for those who had the internal fortitude (like yourself) learning from a variety of different mediums/sources offered you a wealth of information and how to best apply it. You have learned how monitize all the knowledge and self-taught instruction - and I am so proud of how this is being done. You are a very mature person and business man!!

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